Dash Course

6.5~7 Year-old (P1)

Dash robot is an all-rounded learning tool, best for the illustration combining coding techniques, real-life applications and creativity. Playing with Dash does not only help to consolidate one’s programming skills and mindset, but also give an entirely different coding experience. Through comprehension, thinking, problem-solving and development, students do not only learn coding in a happy and relaxing way, but, even more importantly, also achieve self-development.

In this Dash robotics course, we expect that our students would have a much deeper understanding on the components of computer programming. Before this, a lot of children would imagine those components (or “blocks” in those courses for younger ones) as individual items, such as an LED lamp is a bundle of light-bulbs, while a sound-emitting device must be a speaker… Then, we are sure that the Dash robot would bring a completely new understanding and experience to your children. Our tutors will gradually introduce the different theories and concepts involved when operating Dash, and that different components are incorporated together, making it a multi-function lovable robot.

Dash robotics course is definitely a horizon-broadening experience for all children, and also let them have a better understanding of the technology world. Through observing and comprehending the relation between the programmed commands and the Dash robot, our young learners can easily master the coding skills and logics, which forms a strong foundation for further advanced coding and robotics training.

Dash Icon

Detailed thinking is the most important aspect in a Dash robotics course, and it is as well the expected learning and training for our students here in this course. Dash is a multi-functional robot which can be programmed to perform countless tasks and response to surrounding stimulus. We expect that our students do not only acquire the skills of operating it passively just to complete a required task, but also encourage active thinking and learning under our tutors’ guidance.

For example, sound sensors in older days can only identify whether there is a sound or not; but Dash robot can distinguish hand-clapping from human talking, and also from which direction does the sound comes from. In such a world that technology is advancing so quickly every day, we encourage our students to think how that be done technically while they are playing or encountering something they seem very usual and expected. What are the improvements that the technologies have brought to human lives? Could there be further enhancement to make things even better?

We believe that active thinking brings advancement and development. When there is no boundary for imagination, one shall become more innovation and creative. With a very open mindset and curiosity, you would definitely see great improvement in your child in all aspects, especially his learning at school.

Dash robot works by following the right commands, in the right sequence; so it is a training of logical thinking in order to work out the codes correctly. Very often we will end up with unexpected results, good or bad. Good ones are very rare, just like a few of those great inventors or scientists of the human history. Most of the time, the codes written just do not work. We will not immediately point out the error(s) nor give the correct codes, because we believe that every child does have the ability to solve problems on their own. By trial and error and to study what has been written meticulously, we are very sure that it will be a very valuable and effective learning process.

Dash Photo D

During the Dash robotics course, students learn to solve problems themselves. With repeated practices, and finally able to sort things out, they will have built up the self-confidence on their own ability. So when there is another hurdle appears ahead, instead of giving up easily, they will be stronger in mind and willing to try searching for a way out. At the same time, this is also a good opportunity for them to realize their own strengths and weaknesses. Therefore in conclusion, and what we deem to be the most important mission of the course is to strengthen one’s personal development for a mentally powerful foundation along his journey of growing up.

Course Content

One of the distinguished features of Dash robot, comparing to a lot of other programming tools or toys, is that it brings coding out of a tablet or computer. Dash is definitely the best learning companion of your child. It is an all-rounded learning tool as it carries many of the components to understand and learn how to code, such as the programmable LED-light, speakers and microphones, and those proximity sensors. This allows our students to see that coding involves multi-dimensional control and thinking that there could be multiple receiving signals and corresponding reactions all happen in parallel on one single tool.

Final Project

Before completion of the course, it is time for each student to consolidate what they have learnt by taking up challenging tasks for Dash and to code all on themselves. During the very last lesson, each of them will become a public speaker, presenting and demonstrating their own interesting stories in front of the tutor and their classmates.

What will you get after completing the course?

  • Clipped video of final project presentation
  • Overall learning evaluation report
  • Tutor’s comments and recommendations
  • Course-completion certificate

Dash Course - Content

Target Students

Dash robotics is for children aged 6.5 to 7. Every child is welcomed to join us on this magical coding journey with such a lovely robot, and prior coding experience is not necessary.

Things You Need

Nothing is needed, except an open and creative mind. We will provide all learning material during the course.

Level 1

The class in level 1 focuses on teaching the different functions and features of the Dash robot, starting from those easier ones. Students will learn to apply and assemble the functions including the control of lighting & motion, making use the “data” collected from those proximity and voice/sound sensors, and to design programs for the Dash robot to perform accordingly. There are almost unlimited applications that one can program for Dash, so it is the opportunity for our young coders to unleash their boundless imagination and creativity. They also have to learn to design and plan unique programs, using those functions of Dash creatively.

On top of mastering the basic control and uses of Dash robot, we will also introduce other STEM concepts in the learning, like mathematical measurements, angles, and speed, for they are all interrelated and shall be a good foundation for level 2 of the course.

Level 2

As the Dash robot is compatible with several programming apps for coders with different ages and levels. We will shift from using a picture-based language to a block-based one which is more similar to the real computer programming languages. As level 2 of this course will be focusing on building a solid foundation of coding for further learning, students will be introduced some fundamental computational logics and languages, such as “if…then…or”, trying to understand the logical relationships in the coding world. We will also provide more accessories to be applied to the Dash robot, which will make this level of learning even more interesting and engaging: one of the final projects of this course requires our students to make use of the ball-shooting device on Dash to complete a specific task. It was just amazingly fun to code for this project, if you can imagine all the errors that would happen before they succeed.

Dash robot helps to build a strong foundation for learning to code in the future by giving the students the chance to understand more about the real programming languages and concepts. After they complete the 2 levels of the course, we will give personalized recommendation and arrangement regarding their next step for more advanced courses.

Make an Appointment for a Trial Class

    Venue: *
    Timeslot: *
    [Kowloon Bay Centre: Unit 1306, 13/F, Telford House, 16 Wang Hoi Road, Kowloon Bay]
    [Shatin Shek Mun Centre: Unit A, 16/F, Kings Wing Plaza 2, 1 On Kwan Street, Shek Mun, Shatin]
    [Tsuen Wan Centre: Unit 1311, 13/F, Grand City Plaza, 1-17 Sai Lau Kok Road, Tsuen Wan]

    Parent's Name *

    Parent's Mobile *

    Parent's Email *

    Kid's Name *

    Kid's Age *

    Kid's Sex *
    Kid's School *

    Kid's School Level *

    Kid's Coding Experience *
    None1-3 months3-6 months6-12 months1-2 years2 years or above
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